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Safe Way To Wash a Computer Motherboard

What will happend when you clean a motherboard?
1. Motherboard with no Screen can be Fix  when washing .
2. Motherboard performance will be a speed as brand new.
3. When ever you want to sell your PC washing it is Good.

What are the things  must do?
1. Remove Cmos battery first
2. Use liqud detergent like Joy to wash your motherboard, mus not do it with powder because powder particle may sink to tiny opening and can damage your motherboard or shorted.
3. Dry it with blower or dryer gently.
4. If you dont have dryer put it under the sun with cardboard so it wont break or over heat(para di lumutong).


Unknown said...

Been doing that for 2 or more years already. Highly recommended.

atz said...

Sir, pano ang washing, anong gamitin at pano ang procedure?

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