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A pre-ordered matte black iPhone 7 Plus arrived exploded

So what’s the latest feature Apple ripped off from its top smartphone rival Samsung? Apparently, Apple was jealous that Samsung’s exploding Galaxy Note 7 is stealing some of the iPhone 7’s airtime, so it built an exploding smartphone of its own.

An image of a seemingly exploded, badly damaged iPhone 7 Plus surfaced on Reddit Wednesday, and some media outlets (as well as social media) are already comparing this to the seemingly never-ending Samsung Note7 Explodegate.

All joking aside — and before other sites catch wind of this story and go crazy with it — this clearly appears to be an isolated incident, at least for the time being.

Reddit user kroopthesnoop posted the first photo of the phone,

The image above was posted by Reddit user “kroopthesnoop” on Wednesday, claiming a coworker had pre-ordered it and that it had arrived in that condition and it shows a matte black iPhone 7 Plus that certainly looks like it exploded. Unlike Samsung’s somewhat widespread Galaxy Note 7 problem that was due to a battery defect, however, this iPhone exploded while in transit, according to the phone’s owner. When he received the iPhone he ordered and took it out of the box, this is what he found.

Details are scarce for the time being. “Something happened between the factory and delivery,” is all the phone’s owner had to say in his thread on Reddit. Apple hasn’t commented publicly and neither has UPS, but one or both companies will likely have to investigate the matter when the phone’s owner contacts Apple for a replacement.

 In later updates to the Reddit post, he claims Apple and AT&T are aware of the incident, and will send a replacement phone. 

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