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Parrot fixed-wing Disco - The first fixed wing drone for immersive flight

The Parrot fixed-wing Disco drone is saying it plans to release it next month. All a user has to do to fly the Disco is toss it in the air. It’s equipped with an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, barometer, Pitot, GPS, altimeter, ultrasound sensor and a 14-megapixel wide-angle lens with digital stabilization, of course. The camera's the same one that’s in the Bebop 2. The Disco relies on a new system called the Control Hub & Universal Computer Kit (CHUCK), which basically controls the drone until a pilot can take over. It’ll still work in the background once the pilot is using a controller.

Automatic take-off and landing- To prepare the fixed-wing for take off, the pilot has to simply push the switch located on the  upper  part  of Disconose,  followed  by  the ‘takeoff/landing’ button  on the Parrot Skycontroller 2 remote control, and finally to toss the wing towards the sky like a frisbee. Parrot Disco then  takes flight,  ascending automatically to an  altitude  of  164ft, at which pointthe fixed-wing drone will fly in a circular pattern until it receives instructions from the pilot.

To land, the pilot must press the ‘takeoff/landing’ button on the remote control.  Parrot Disco then inclines its flaps and descends below 19ft in altitude. Following the indications from the  and vertical camera, the engine’s thrust reverses to reduce the speed in order to ensure a smooth landing in a straight line.

The Disco can reach up to 50 miles per hour and can stay afloat for up to 45 minutes. It also pairs with users’ iPhones or Android devices. The phones go inside Parrot’s Cockpitglasses, which display video from the Disco's camera along with superimposed flight metrics. The drone, the glasses, and the controller will retail for $1,299.

source: Parrot

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