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NASA is hiring Astronauts for future space missions

Do you have what it takes to be an astronaut? , NASA opening the application process on Dec. 14, so we’ve debunked a few of the common myths about what it takes to become an astronaut: http://nasa.tumblr.com/post/132538793869/5-myths-about-becoming-an-astronaut

NASA want candidates with a bachelor's degree – or preferably an advanced degree – in engineering, biological science, physical science, or mathematics. Posted on their Press realease.

They’d also like you to have 1,000 hours of pilot-in-command experience in a jet aircraft or three years' experience in a “progressively responsible” related job.

Photos source https://www.facebook.com/NASAJSC/photos/a.267888996566584.66045.267875289901288/993074607381349/?type=3&theater

As you can imagine, it’s a bit of a squeeze on a spacecraft, so it also helps if you’re average height. You’ll need to pass the NASA physical and have extremely good eyesight and blood pressure, too. It might sound tough, but not many jobs come with an all-expenses paid trip to space.

If you get selected, you’ll be flying on the International Space Station, the Orion deep-space exploration vehicle or two other spacecraft currently in development.

Watch Astronaut Recruitment:

NASA will start accepting applications from December 14 online and hopes to announce the successful candidates in mid-2017.

To date, NASA has selected more than 300 astronauts to fly on its increasingly challenging missions to explore space and benefit life on Earth. There are 47 astronauts in the active astronaut corps, and more will be needed to crew future missions to the space station and destinations in deep space.

This isn’t the first time NASA has held open applications. They held some in 2012 and received over 6,000 applications.

“This is an exciting time to be a part of America’s human space flight program,” said Brian Kelly, director of Flight Operations at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, in a statement.

“NASA has taken the next step in the evolution of our nation’s human spaceflight program – and our U.S. astronauts will be at the forefront of these new and challenging space flight missions. We encourage all qualified applicants to learn more about the opportunities for astronauts at NASA and apply to join our flight operations team.”

According to WIRED, based on the average number of applicants the chances of becoming an astronaut this way are less than 0.17 percent.

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