Android 4.2: Jelly Bean
Android 4.2: A new flavor of Jelly Bean.
Android 4.2 takes the speed and simplicity of Jelly Bean to a different level – a completely new camera experience that’s beyond smart, a new form of typing that helps you power through your messages, and much more.
Android 4.2 (
is an update to the Jelly Bean release that offers new features for users and app
developers. This document provides an introduction to the most notable and
useful new APIs for developers.As an app developer, you should download the Android 4.2 system image and SDK platform from the SDK Manager as soon as possible. If you don’t have a device running Android 4.2 on which to test your app, use the Android 4.2 system image to test your app on the Android emulator. Then build your apps against the Android 4.2 platform to begin using the latest APIs.

Secondary Displays
Android now allows your app to display unique content on additional screens that are connected to the user’s device over either a wired connection or Wi-Fi. To create unique content for a secondary display, extend thePresentation
class and implement the onCreate()
callback. Within
, specify your UI for the secondary display
by calling setContentView()
As an extension of the Dialog
class, the Presentation
class provides the region in which your app can display a unique UI on the
secondary display. Lockscreen Widgets

One word of caution though. Lockscreen widgets do not require a password. Even if you have your device password-protected, anyone can see the widgets without being asked for a password. That means that if you have a Gmail lockscreen widget, anyone who picks up your phone can read your emails on the widget (not in the app, though). This is not a bug, this is a feature. It is there for your convenience, so if you are concerned about the privacy of your email the solution is simple - don’t use those lockscreen widgets that reveal your information.
Multiple Users
Android now allows multiple user spaces on shareable devices such as tablets. Each user on a device has his or her own set of accounts, apps, system settings, files, and any other user-associated data.As an app developer, there’s nothing different you need to do in order for your app to work properly with multiple users on a single device. Regardless of how many users may exist on a device, the data your app saves for a given user is kept separate from the data your app saves for other users. The system keeps track of which user data belongs to the user process in which your app is running and provides your app access to only that user’s data and does not allow access to other users’ data.
Saving data in a multi-user environment
Whenever your app saves user preferences, creates a database, or writes a file to the user’s internal or external storage space, that data is accessible only while running as that user.Identifying users in a multi-user environment
If your app wants to identify unique users such as to gather analytics or create other account associations, you should follow the recommended practices for identifying unique installations. By creating a newUUID
when your app starts for the
first time, you’re certain to obtain a unique ID for tracking each user, regardless of how many
users install your app on a single device. Alternatively, you can save a local token fetched from
your server or use the registrations ID provided by Google Cloud Messaging.Beware that if your app requests one of the hardware device identifiers (such as the WiFi MAC address, the
number, or the ANDROID_ID
number), they will provide the same value for each
user because these identifiers are tied to the hardware and not the user. Not to mention the other
problems these identifiers introduce as discussed in the Identifying
App Installations blog post.New Global Settings

Those are welcome additions - displaying things like the battery percentage, and allowing to set the screen brightness, but we do feel that Google could have easily gone with direct toggles for some of the things. Instead we get shortcuts. One glaring example is brightness. Instead of a brightness slider right into the menu, you have to first tap on a shortcut, and only then you get to adjust the screen brightness. That might be picking the nits, but we had to get it off our chests.
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