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Freelancer.com is the world's largest outsourcing marketplace,
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Projects start at $30 and the average job is under $200
Programmers, designers, content writers are ready now!
Only pay freelancers once you are happy with their work


Freelancer.com (formerly GetAFreelancer) is the world's largest outsourcing and crowdsourcing marketplace for small business. We have hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers from all over the world. We connect over 4,359,551 employers and freelancers globally from over 234 countries & regions. Through our website, employers can hire freelancers to do work in areas such as software, writing, data entry and design right through to engineering and the sciences, sales and marketing, and accounting & legal services. The average job is under US$200, making outsourcing for the first time extremely cost effective for small businesses.
Would you like to find freelance jobs and make money online? Just sign up to get started! We have created a safe environment for both freelancers and employers via our secure milestone payment system. We have thousands of freelance coders, writers, programmers, designers, marketers and more. Getting the best web design, custom programming, professional writing or affordable marketing has never been easier! Try outsourcing for free today! Don't forget to bookmark our homepage for your next project or job.

Have an idea for a business? Need help with your existing business? Just need something done fast?

Outsource anything you can think of! From logos to web design, article writing to iPhone apps, there are over 400 categories for you to choose from.

Quickly post your requirements and set your budget. Within minutes freelancers around the world will begin to bid on your project

Compare and select bids based on price and rating. Each freelancer has their own profile that shows what past users have said about their work.

Release funds ONLY when specific goals are met. By setting up payment milestones based on agreed targets, you only need to release funds once you're 100% satisfied

Homepage :http://www.freelancer.com/

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