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The Adventure of My Son Before He Meets The World

 The Adventure of My Son Before He Meets The World

-This is a real life "Personal Encounter"  of the Homeless Blogger

 (Disclaimer -Sorry I'M not a Good Writer)

September 25,2011 I got a phone call from a customer who want me to put a VPN on his SmartBro USB.

I asked who is, his referral? ( for security reason)

He said a policeman name and i remember it.. The man worked on a mobile repair near Intersection..

After a little conversation we set a meeting place..\

I run to a friend of mind who work on Water Station.. I asked him if he can give a ride to Arayat

And he say Yes..

So we go there.. the customer is nice he ask as a meryenda .. he have a PC with Windows 7 and Wimax Bm622  (Not Hack).. while checking the modem someone called my friend it was emergency so he leave..

I check his modem and I have NO luck I didn't Unlock it it was a new release modem.

My phone is ringing... It's was my friend number  and he said my Girl friend is having a "Stomach ache".
My GF  is pregnant  8 months..

So I rush I said to my customer I will come back.. so he gave me a P200 as my money for transportation..

I came 7PM .. I called  a Midwife .. I prepare hot water and bowl  (palang-gana) then he check my GF

The midwife  said it was 2 finger only ( the size of private something like that).. she will not give birth yet..put a fillow on her feet to reduce the pain.. then the midwife go.

It was 10PM my GF still on agony of pain.. my sister say call a Barangay patrol  (a community service jeep or van )and let her go to the hospital for check up..

Then I call the Barangay Patrol and the midwife for assistant the midwife can't give birth to my son because the recorded date of  is November according to the ultrasound and the count of month  of last menstruation.

At the JBL Provincial HOSPITAL(Public)

 a guard didn't allow me to enter only 2 people are allowed to go inside so my mother and the midwife only assist my GF.

So I wait outside  don't know what to do.. then my mother cam out and asked to buy a adult diaper.

after a few minutes the midwife go because someone is having a birth too.. So i got a chance to go inside the delivery room.. It was stinky place blood around the place (lababo and on the floor)

After an interview they said they Can't give birth there because they babies born there  are dying , they baby are become yellowish skin. there is a Virus on there delivery room..

So we go out and my GF sitll on agony.. It was very late night and we don't have a transportation. my mother find a Tricycle ( a motor cycle with a side car) and asked if we can't rent to "Bulaon Hospital" (my Money is Only 200 pesos at that night)

The road is rough.. so my GF bumping and bumping .. a water start flowing on her private.

AT the Bulaon Hospital...(Public)

We pay the Tricycle 150 pesos..
The Doctor say they cannot bring birth too.. because they don't have a  "Incubator" . they check my GF ultrasound and it 8months.. they say we must go to MAKABALI

The Trycycle left what we will ride in to go there!!

The Nurse say you can't rent our Ambulance...my mother have still a money I don't remember how much ..

At the ambulance my GF crying.. the Nurse say sleep a side position so your baby will not get hurt ( maipit)

At the MAKABALI Hospital....

The Doctor say they also don't have a "Incubator" for less 9 month old baby.. ( I asked GOD why this happening to us..)
The  Doctor say you can try to Mother Teresa of Calcutta Medical Center ( A private Hospital mostly used in the Philippines TV shows like Mari mar )

At the Mother Teresa of Calcutta Medical Center....

At the customer service they want me to down payment 30,000 pesos what the hell!! where can I get that money!!.. They don't even check my wife !!..

The Nurse and the man of Calcutta having arguing,, Why you didn't call us!! first before you transfer here!!

While they arguing something ... My GF is badly in pain no one care to us!!

Then the Nurse refer as to go to Our Lady Mt. Carmel Hospital Medical Center 
 (A Private Hospital )she said he knows a Doctor who Give Birth with NO Down Payment!!  a Doctor who came from their Bulaon Hospital.

AT the Our Lady Mt. Carmel Hospital Medical Center ..
We came there .. they assist us and we take a elevator.. they Bring my GF on there Delivery Room..
My mother I  waited on a sala set.. We talk to the other people sitting there.. And they don't believe what a experience we had..

It was 12am  Sept 26, 2011 Dr. Tolentino came out and say it was a Healthy Boy Normal Birth!! The time I already a father..)..thank GOD that there still doctor like him..( I thinking can I be a Good Father , because I came from a Broken family and my father had a other family)

I asked the Doctor how much do we pay he ask if I have a PhilHealth , I don't have a Philhealth..

he said  OK.. 10K to 12K (Ten thousand to 12 thousand)

So in the morning I go to my  Boss JB ( the man who i own a work in URC for 3 yrs and part time I managed his computer shop.) I go to the computer shop my friend Bok is there I said my Wife give birth to my son..and I don;t know where to find a money to pay it...

JB came out..I never say I want barrow a money from them , but he already know Asked Madam..( Madam his Wife)..

And they lend me... JB said OK check all your bills if your aleady set to go out just call me or txt me..

It was a Rainy day when we are ready to go home my boss JB..gave as a ride to Sto.Tomas...

My baby Photo..

----This is my Personal Experience  Imagine that 5 Hospital..in a night ..before my Son's meet the world..
what a adventure!! XD

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